Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The First Challenge

I'm not a movie junkie. I cannot recite dates and quotes off the top of my head like baseball fans can quote stats. Don't get me wrong, I can recall famous lines and remember actor names from favorite films and blockbusters, but I am not a walking IMDB.

That being said, I ADORE Oscar season. My calendar has notes pencilled in: "Oscar Nomination Day," "Academy Awards- NO OTHER EVENTS," and "Apply for Bleacher Seats." I've never gotten the bleacher seats, but it's been a long time since I've missed the televised event.

I don't watch it for the dresses. I can't stand the pre-shows. I don't really watch the wrap-ups either. I like the ceremony itself... full of people who, at one point, sat in their bedroom and had a dream of doing something BIG. And no matter how famous they've become, or how jaded by their industry, or how political their nomination may have been... that dream is right down in the soul of it all.

I imagine this is how a sports enthusiast feels about the Superbowl or the Olympics.

So, since I have missed out on my bleacher seats for the 5th Consecutive year, and inspired by a movie that only got one Oscar Nom... I issued myself a 2010 Challenge. Here it is, a la "Julie & Julia:"

I am going to (try) to see EVERY movie
that's been nominated this year.

Do I think I'll do it? Perhaps not. There are a lot of them... and the foreign films will really present a challenge. The point is, though, I'm going to try. Which is a lot more than I've done in the past.

If my spreadsheet is correct (those of you who know me are not surprised by a spreadsheet), Here is where my count stands as of Oscar Nomination Day, 2/2/2010:

Out of 58 nominated films in 24 categories...

I have seen 4.

Holy popcorn, Batman... this is going to be interesting.


  1. I think that this is a most worthwhile challenge. AND... I have no doubt that you will do it if you really decide to.

  2. I've seen 7 of the nominated best pictures already. Didn't you think it was wierd the way they can make the mall look so good on the Academy Award show?
