Monday, January 17, 2011

Guilt and Getting Somewhere

It has reached that point in The Challenge where I begin to feel guilty for all of the efforts I put into getting somewhere with film-viewing. I'm constantly running out on the family to catch a show or double feature, I get home after they are asleep and I rack up expenses as I buy ticket after ticket (although $5 movie night is saving my ass this year!). As much as I hate the guilt, I love seeing my 'seen' list start to match up to the 'to be seen list.'

Most recently I saw 'Inside Job' and 'The Fighter' back to back. The documentary was okay, but most that I've seen this season have paled in comparison to last year's 'The Cove.' Sean and I got a ride from my mom (you heard me) after the doc and saw 'The Fighter.' You don't need me to tell you it was a great movie with excellent performances- the awards shows are proving that. What you do need to hear (that only I can tell you) is that it was quite entertaining to see Marky Mark and my favorite Newsie cussing and raising all kinds of hell together.

Solo, I went to see 'Black Swan' and I refuse to post any spoilers here. I will divulge that it was the only other film this year at who's viewing I exclaimed: 'Holy Crap!' 'Inception' earned my other exclamation.

In unrelated related news, my friend and I went to see 'From Here to Eternity.' Initial reactions included thinking Frank Sinatra as Magio was as skinny as Christian Bale playing Dicky... and that the themes of film, and love in reality, never seem to alter with time.

Coming up in The Challenge: 'Fair Game' at the State, 'True Grit' on $5 movie night and several docs on Netflix...and of course the NOMINATIONS bright and early on the 25th.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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